Are Fishnets Safe For Fish?

Net fishing has been around for ages. They were initially designed for hunting fish. After all, fish is one of the most widely-eaten types of meat across the world.
Fishing nets did not need to be gentle until people started petting fish. Many aquarium owners care about the well-being of their fish. Often, they find themselves stuck with methods that were created for hunting fish and not caring for them.
That brings us to the question, are fishnets safe for fish? To answer this query, we need to understand fish themselves a little better.
Are Fishnets Safe For Fish?
Things To Know About Fish
Fish have a unique build. Human beings across time have barely taken the time to understand how to handle fish better.
The culture of hunting fish has obliterated any empathy towards fish for the most part. This is changing as more people choose to keep fish as pets.
But are nets good or bad for fish? Well, you will be the judge. Here are a few surprising but essential facts about fish that can help us understand how to handle them better.
1. Fish Have Feelings
While we may not have the capacity to read expressions on the face of a fish, studies have sown that fish like people have pain receptors.
Not only do they experience pain, but fish have also been seen to express joy, fear, and playfulness. That is why dolphins are said to miss their caretakers and visitors in large aquariums.
Due to large amounts of fishing over the years, fish have grown to fear nets. During moving and transportation, fish are caught by nets creating anxiety around nets.
That is why fish squirm and scatter when a net is introduced into an aquarium.
2. Netting Injures Fish
Fish are delicate creatures. Aquarium fish – they are often smaller – are often at risk of suffering injuries during chasing and netting.
Nets can inflict abrasions and cuts and may also injure fin rays, damage and remove scales. Another aspect is that nets tend to tamper with the protective mucous layer that covers fish.
The mucus on a fish's body is vital to its survival in water. Avid anglers and hobbyists know that fish are slimy. This is all thanks to the protective layer of mucous that protects its body.
The skin of the fish produces this slime. It serves many purposes, including protection against bacteria and streamlining in water movement.
Keeping the mucoid cover healthy is an essential aspect of caring for your fish. You do this by avoiding practices that put their bodies at any risk of getting infected.
The process of netting fish is detrimental to the health of your fish, reducing their life span. This is thanks to the many injuries they can sustain in the seemingly simple process.
3. Fish Eyes Are Sensitive
In many species of fish, the eyes protrude from their heads. That means that the eyes are the first thing likely to come in contact with the net during nettings.
Well, what’s the big deal? Fish's eyes do not have a protective lid – like humans. That makes them vulnerable to injuries compared to other parts of their body.
Fish in tanks and aquariums are known to injure themselves when they bump into obstructions. The netting process is often a chase and capture situation.
That means that the eyes are likely to get caught in the bustle and get injured. A condition known as pop-eye is common among recently netted fish.
That often leads to infection that leads to blindness and quite often death, which is another reason not to net fish.
Is There A Better Way?
Catching fish using nets is detrimental to the overall health of your fish. Understanding the likely issues you might be causing is an excellent step in the right direction as a tank/aquarium owner.
There is indeed a better way of catching your fish without causing them any harm. Our company came up with an innovative fish trap that is perfectly safe for use in the aquarium.
The bubble fish trap is a magnet-operated or hydraulic suction trap that uses bait to attract fish into the trap. It works by floating up once the fish is inside the trap.
It’s the easiest and safest way to trap fish in an aquarium, and as a bonus, there are no water parameter changes with using the trap. They come in a variety of sizes that you can pick from, depending on your needs.
Caring for fish is easy if you follow the proper guidelines. Steering clear of practices that threaten the well-being of your fish will help improve their health over time.
Change how you perceive your fish and understand the personalities of the species in your tank. That will help you care for them better.
Fishing nets are common practice, but that doesn't mean that the narrative cannot be changed. Try our bubble fish traps today. You won’t regret it.
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